Help Bridges prevent & end homelessness in Howard County image

Help Bridges prevent & end homelessness in Howard County

Start a fundraiser today to support those experiencing homelessness or housing instability

We are no longer accepting donations on this campaign, but there are other ways for you to support us today!

$4,937 towards $5,000

98 2 U


Towards Our Goal






Recurring Donors

Bridges is asking our congregation partners to rally their members, friends, and family to support our annual fundraiser. By creating a fundraiser for the Chili & Challenge, you'll raise funds that will directly support the Bridges mission & compete to win the Golden Ladle!

Starting a fundraiser is simple & we'll provide all the tools you'll need to participate in the Chili & Challenge. The congregation that raises the most money by Friday, October 8, will win the Chili & Challenge! There are two ways your congregation can win the Golden Ladle: collecting donations & selling chili meals.

Once your fundraiser is set up, you'll also receive a customized event flyer with links to your virtual "Tip Jar," chili meals, and the thrilling virtual silent auction. This year's Chili & Challenge will include three different chili meals from Bare Bones. The winning congregations will be announced on Sunday, October 10 at 2:30 pm via live stream!

If you have any issues or questions when creating your fundraiser, please get in touch with our Development and Marketing Manager at or leave a voicemail at 410-312-5760 ext. 116. Your inquiry will be addressed within 24 hours.

With your congregation's help, Bridges will continue to provide affordable housing and supportive services to prevent and end homelessness in Howard County.

Additional Chili and Challenge event details are available at

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Recurring Donors
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Giving $50 Per Month

You can help us get more recurring donations by starting a fundraiser!

13 people have already started fundraising for this campaign!

You will get these tools to help you run a successful campaign:

Pre-Built Templates

Send emails and social media messages to supporters based on expert-tested templates.

A Smarter Donation Page

Solicit more donations with proven-success templates established from industry best practices.

Automated Notifications & Emails

Keep your campaign on track with various automated features designed to get you closer to your goal.